Illustrator, Cartoonist & Author, Eliza Feely has been working under the name Wattleitbe since 2015, storytelling on sustainably sourced plywood in wild colours, reminiscent of pages of a book.

Fast Moving Clouds

Silk Stripes
Her trademark thumbprint and the wood itself an integral element to her work. Wattleitbe is infused with a love of comics, records, radio, humour, folk tales and speaks vibrantly about the wilderness and characters which surround Elizas home in The Otways, Victoria.

Combining her love of comics and illustration, Elizas work is a complementary mix of iconic beach imagery playfully composed against dreamy seascapes. The series focus' on beautiful serene beachscapes of soft blues and greens.

Diving At Spout - Detail

The Ocean Doesn't Care What Colour You Are - Detail